Evangelical Covenant Church

In life we all “wear many hats”…..the Latin translation would say we “have more seats than a bus!”
Mark and "Gaucho"
Our Argentine Dogo,
has big paws to fill.

Since 1987 we, Mark and Alice Westlind along with our three children, Nils, Natalia and Nicole have served as missionaries with the Evangelical Covenant Church. Many of you have followed us through the years as we began our work in Medellin, Colombia, moved to the capital city of Bogotá and finished our time in the beautiful coastal city of Cartagena, Colombia 1997 – 2001.
Our 13 years in Colombia left an indelible mark on each of us and we will forever be thankful to our Colombian brothers and sisters for teaching us the Latin way of living. We are thankful to God for his constant love and direction in the life of our family and ministry.
In 2002 God surprised our family with a totally new direction when Mark was invited to teach 3 years as a rotating professor of Missions and founding director of The Center for World Christian Studies at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago. Mark taught courses such as: Cultural Dimensions of Mission, Mission Strategies and Methodology, Introduction to Missions, Latin American Liberation Theology, Missions in Latin America, Christianity´s Encounter with Religious Pluralism, and Understanding Church and Culture. Throughout this time, Mark continued his Ph.D. studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. We are thankful to God and NPTS for the privilege of rubbing shoulders with faculty and the seminary community which enriched our time in Chicago.
Meanwhile, Alice was invited to develop the Parenting ProGRESS program at Ravenswood Covenant Church in Chicago. This program is an outreach to teen parents from local urban high schools, and these young parents know the importance of staying in school and finishing their education. The church childcare center (RC4) makes this possible by providing excellent care for their children while they attend classes. The program Promotes Growth, Responsibility, Education with Spiritual Support (ProGRESS). This inspiring ministry confirms God’s continual call on our personal lives, that whether working with street children in Colombia or pregnant teenagers in Chicago, God’s message of love and justice are the same throughout the globe.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31: 8-9
In 2005, Mark´s lifetime dream came true when the Argentine Covenant Church and CIPE ( the Confederation of Latin American Covenant Churches), invited our family to partner with them in Theological Education. As Director of Theological Education for Argentina and Uruguay and Academic Director for cbCIPE, which is the Covenant Bible School for university age students, our focus is on the theological education and training of pastors and leaders with a concentration in missions and justice issues. Mark is traveling and teaching extensively throughout the southern cone and loving it! Paul’s words to Timothy echo in our ears as we train leadership to train others!
“The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men and women who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2
As a family, we are falling in love with the beautiful city of Buenos Aires and find it is very different from our Colombian experience! No frijoles, rice and platano here! We thank God for all of you and your continued prayers and support which are vital to our lives here in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Mark, Alice, Nils, Natalia and Nicole Westlind
New Pathways for the Westlinds
Saying Goodbye to California
What a joy and blessing it is to be part of God’s family, no matter where we are or where it leads! Aly and I have had 5 ½ years of re-connecting with friends and family and making new friends while I served as Missions Pastor at Centerville Presbyterian Church in Fremont, California. As we loaded our 26 foot truck bound for Chicago, we experienced firsthand this wonderful community of friends as they worked, supported, encouraged and prayed for us at every turn….we never would have made it out and across country had it not been for the generous giving by so many of you! MUCHAS GRACIAS!
The Epic Journey
We headed out from Fremont, CA to Chicago, Ill with the truck and a car trailer with the good ‘ole 1965 Galaxie 500 aboard. We also had Aly and our good friend Cynthia zipping along in the chase vehicle! We elected to take the old Route 66 due to winter weather, but could not escape the snow no matter how hard we tried. The journey was an epic adventure because the truck broke down one, two (count ‘em) three, four times! We had some slick times in the mountains in New Mexico. It was incredible how we were escorted on angel’s wings throughout the whole trip. My faithful dog, Gaucho rode shotgun in the cab and helped me back the truck and trailer (some 60 feet long) in a perfect line at truck stops. (see our facebook for pictures!) I did have one moment, getting stuck in a hotel parking lot with low overhead clearance and no room to turn around. The Lord was good on that midnight evening as well when a truck driver came out and walked me through the entire 40 minute process: another of God’s angels.
We arrived into Chicago at midnight, 12/ 7, and our unloading was accomplished in a winter storm that was the precursor of one of the biggest storms in two decades! We have had over 2 feet of snow with temperatures of 20 below - wind chill factors pushing us to 45 and 50 below! Incredibly, it has been a wonderful adventure…